
$ whoami

こんにちは! My name’s Kris (Christopher, but I like the abbreviation more) and it seems I’m 26 years old at the moment of writing. I’ve graduated the Poznań University of Technology majoring in Networking and Distributed Systems and now I work at a certain cyber-security company as a security consultant.

Hobbies: :computer: :unlock: :book: :saxophone:

As you have probably figured out I like computers but that’s not the only hobby I have (although one could argue whether that’s a single hobby or not). I read quite a lot of books (mostly fantasy/horror [Lovecraft :green_heart:]), cook (when I’m not lazy enough) and play saxophone. I also used to do some gamedev stuff although I found it a tad less enjoyable at some point and thus stopped doing it at all.

Contact me

You can meet me at a few IRC channels (usually @hun7err or @_0kami) at Freenode, IRCnet and PIRC (the oldschool way), but if you want to drop an e-mail please write to:

contact (at) kmarciniak.com

Here’s my public key in case you want to encrypt the e-mail you send.